Fantasy Tribes Rules
[1.0 Game Play]
Welcome to the Fantasy Tribes—where strategy meets the thrill of Survivor! If you love analyzing the game, making predictions, and competing with friends, this is the game for you. Here is what you need to know before signing up:
[1.1 - General Overview]
Coaches will start by selecting 2 MVPs from the pool of castaways competing in the latest season of Survivor. Coaches will then draft a tribe with their league from the same pool of castaways. At the merge and finale, coaches will make Edgic and Finale predictions which award points for being correct!
Each week, coaches will set their lineup, choosing which castaways to keep active and which to exile. Their ACTIVE castaways will earn or lose points based on their actions in the game as detailed in the rules below. If unhappy with your tribe, get in contact with other league members and work out a tribe swap! Trade MVPs AND/OR draft picks and make the best tribe possible!
Before the draft, coaches are required to make two "Most Valuable Player" selections. This can be any two castaways and not the same castaway twice. MVP points are worth double. Coaches cannot exile an MVP (i.e. put them on their bench).
[1.3 - Draft]
Following MVP selection, the draft order will be randomized. The draft will be serpentine, so if coaches pick first in the first round, they pick last in the next round, first in the round after that, and so on. Every castaway can only be picked once by each coach and coaches cannot draft someone who they chose as their MVP. Every coach has 4 picks. The number of copies of castaways in the pool depends on the number of coaches drafting and is detailed in the How to Host a Draft page.
[1.4 - Edgic & Finale Pick]
After the Mergatory episode (once everyone has their merge buffs), coaches will have a week to make an Edgic pick. Inspired by the formulas used by Edgic on reddit where they analyze the editing done by Survivor production, coaches will decide who they think is going to win the game. Coaches will do the same the week leading up to the finale episode or episodes. Edgic and Finale picks do not earn coaches points like their draftees and MVPs do. If a coach’s Edgic and/or Finale pick is correct, they simply get points for being correct.
[1.5 - Setting Weekly Lineups]
MVPs will earn and lose points for their tribes without their coaches having the option to exile them for the upcoming episode. Draft picks are a different story! Each week, coaches will be required to determine which of their draft picks are active and which one will be exiled (also known as on their bench). Their active castaways will count towards their total score while their exiled castaway will not. Coaches may put castaways that are out of the game in an active spot and vice versa as a tactic.
[1.6 - Tribe Swapping]
Tribe Swapping allows coaches to swap MVPs and Draft Picks on their tribe for MVPs and Draft Picks on other tribes, offering strategic flexibility. All tribe swaps must adhere to the following rules:
- A coach may not have more than three MVPs on their tribe at any time.
The following roster compositions are permitted after tribe swaps:
- 3 MVPs, 1 active draft pick, 1 exiled draft pick
- 2 MVPs, 3 active draft picks, 1 exiled draft pick (default)
- 1 MVP, 5 active draft picks, 1 exiled draft pick
- 0 MVPs, 7 active draft picks, 1 exiled draft pick
Tribe swaps must be equal in castaway value:
1 MVP is equivalent to 2 draft picks.
Example: A coach trading away 5 draft picks may receive 2 MVPs and a draft pick, or 1 MVP and 3 draft picks, or 5 draft picks in return.
1 MVP is equivalent to 2 draft picks.
- Coaches are not allowed to tribe swap away or for castaways who have already been voted out of the game.
- Unlike the MVP selection and Draft, there is no restriction when it comes to having multiple copies of the same castaway. Compile a full tribe of the same castaway if you think that is the way to go!
- Tribe Swap Deadline: All tribe swaps must be completed before the Final 7 episode begins. No tribe swaps will be allowed once the game has reached this point.
- You may not tribe swap during episodes.
[2.0 - Points]
[2.1 - Challenges]
- 1 Point for winning a Tribal or Group Reward or Immunity Challenge
- To get challenge points, castaways must not sit out. If they get kicked out of the challenge, they do not get points.
- 1 Point for winning a Solo/Duo Reward Challenge
- 2 Points for winning a Solo/Duo Immunity Challenge
- Immunity points will ONLY be given for correctly selecting a castaway that wins Immunity via the Immunity challenge. No points will be given to the person that subsequently gives it away.
- 3 Points for winning the final Immunity Challenge
- 3 Points for winning a F4/F2 fire-making challenge
[2.2 - Advantages & Idols]
- 1 Point for obtaining an advantage or an idol
- If a castaway finds a beware advantage or idol, or an advantage/idol that does not have power yet, they must complete the task or wait for it to mature to get the points.
- Besides the legacy advantage, points can only be earned for obtaining an advantage or idol once. If it is given to someone else due to Knowledge is Power or another reason, they do not get points for obtaining it, though they may still earn points for playing it.
- 1 Point for having someone find and/or believe in a fake idol that a castaway conceptualizes/plants intentionally
- If the person who conceptualized the fake idol is different from the person who plants it, both receive the point.
- 1 Point for a castaway utilizing a fake idol or an idol lacking power successfully for themselves for safety
- You may only get points for this once per powerless idol.
- If the person who conceptualized the fake idol is different from the person who plants it, both get the point. If additional castaways knowingly take part in the manipulation and benefit, they also receive points.
- 2 Points for knowingly flushing an idol by:
- A castaway playing someone else’s idol that was given to them (protecting against Knowledge is Power),
- Leading a blindside of a castaway who has an idol,
- Sharing information with the opposing alliance & changing the vote causing a misplay or exit of an idol, or
- Manipulating someone into misplaying, misplacing, or not playing their idol leading to its exit.
- 1 Point for playing an advantage successfully
- Challenge advantages do not count when tallying points.
- A voting advantage (extra vote, steal a vote, etc.) is considered successful if it changes the outcome in the castaway’s favor.
- If a castaway gives their advantage to an ally and it is used as intended, the original holder gets the points – not the ally.
- Similarly, for voting advantages the original holder, not the ally, is penalized for any voting mistakes.
- A castaway only earns points once per successful advantage.
- Note: Idols are not counted as advantages. However, if an idol is common knowledge, announced, or played before the vote (and thus negates no votes) while ensuring no votes are cast against the announcer, it grants 2 points.
- -1 Point for a “not safe” shot in the dark
- 1 Point for each vote negated by an idol or a “safe” shot in the dark
- The castaway who played the idol or advantage earns the point if they target someone else.
[2.3 - Voting]
- -1 Point for voting incorrectly
- If a castaway uses an extra vote incorrectly, that is an additional point lost.
- -2 Points for each vote against
- When a castaway negates votes, those votes do not count against them.
- -1 Point for going to tribal with no vote or losing/not casting a vote (unless protected by an advantage)
- 2 Points for voting correctly before merge/mergatory
- 5 Points for voting correctly after merge/mergatory
- In a final 2, castaways don’t get points for voting at final 3, only the -2 for the vote against.
- In the event of ties and revotes, a castaway can only earn or lose points once per person they voted for.
- If a revote occurs because all votes were negated, votes will be counted multiple times.
- If a castaway’s opposing vote goes home due to rocks, their vote is deemed successful.
- If a split vote is used to protect against an idol or shot in the dark—and the backup option is voted for—the castaway still earns the correct voting points. However, if the backup vote was hijacked by the opposing alliance, no points are awarded.
[2.4 - Surviving]
- -10 Points for quitting, being medevaced, or removed from the game
- In the case of a quit, the entire tribe gains points for unanimously voting that castaway out, while the quitting castaway loses points for votes against and voting incorrectly.
- In the case of a medevac, the tribe gains points for correct voting to compensate, but the medevaced castaway does not lose points for votes against or voting mistakes.
- -10 Points for not getting to play (Season 10 & 27)
- 5 Points for making the merge (once everyone drops their tribal buffs)
- 5 Points for making it to Final Tribal Council
- 2 Points per jury vote
- If the winner doesn’t earn at least 10 points via jury votes, their score is raised to 10; however, the winner cannot earn more than 15 points in total from jury votes.
[2.5 - Edgic & Finale Pick]
- 25 Points for coaches making their Edgic pick correctly
- 10 Points for coaches making their Finale pick correctly
[2.6 - Redemption Island, EOE or any other type of returning]
- 5 Points for getting back into the game
- In Season 7, points are awarded for winning the tribal challenge and being voted back in as opposed to the standard 5 points.
- Castaways do not earn points for winning Redemption Island or EOE challenges.
[3.0 - Clarifications]
[3.1 - Survivor Auctions]
Survivor Auctions produce no points as they’re too subjective an event to determine a winner or loser. However, if a castaway obtains an advantage through an auction, they still receive points for obtaining the advantage.
[3.2 - Miscellaneous]
Points are awarded on an INDIVIDUAL basis. Even though at certain points an entire tribe might win a category, points are NOT awarded to tribes.
[4.0 Tiebreakers]
In the event of a tie, the following tie breakers will be used in order as necessary:
- Best placement of a coach’s finishing castaways when added together
- Least amount of votes against among their 6 picks
- Highest number of correct votes between their 6 picks
- Individual Immunity challenges won among their 6 picks
We hope you enjoy our game and we’re always looking to improve it!