Creating and Managing a League
In order to play the game, the first thing you must do is create or join a league. To create a league, you must go to My Leagues and press the “create a league” button. Once created, you can click on the league as it will appear on the My Leagues page and it will bring you to your League Details page for that specific League. On your League Details page, you can see who the league owner is and see all of the coaches in your league. Also on this page, you can either click on the League Settings button, or you can click on each challenge your league is or was in.
When you click the League Settings button, it will bring you to a page where you can:
- Manage Coaches: Invite and Delete other coaches to and from your league.
- Manage Challenges: Create, Delete and Name your challenges for your league so that you’re signed up for the next Survivor season.
- Transfer Ownership: Transfer league ownership if you need to leave the league or want someone else to manage it.
When clicking on a specific Challenge that your league is or was in on the League Details Page, it will bring you to the Challenge Details Page for that specific Challenge. On the Challenge Details Page you can see every coach's tribe who is in the Challenge. If you click on their tribe names, it will bring you to the tribe page for more details. Also on this page, you can click on the Manage Tribes button.
When you click on the Manage Tribes button, it will bring you to a page where you can:
- Manage Draft Picks & MVPs: You can set the roster for every tribe in that Challenge, including determining which castaways were drafted and which castaways are that tribe’s MVPs.
- Manage Activity: You can determine which castaways are active and which is exiled (on the bench) on each tribe for each round.
- Manage Edgic & Finale Pick: Determine the Edgic and Finale Pick for each tribe.
Once you have gotten all of the coaches you want into your league, you can host a draft. Details on how to do this are on the How to Play tab in the How to Host a Draft link. We hope to have a Draft Client on the website asap but for now that must be entered manually.
Once you have hosted a draft and tribes are filled, you can check out My Tribes, My Scoreboards and My Standings to learn about your and other tribes in your challenge and to see how you are all doing. Additionally, for general points on a given season, you can check the Seasons Tab.
If you have any Questions or Suggestions, please feel free to reach out!